Monday, November 02, 2009

7 Years and Counting!

My Natalie (Center) just turned 7 years old this weekend! Wow, how time flies. I was just saying to a friend, it seems like she was born a very SHORT time ago! Now look at her with Joelle and friends from her class at Playworld Down Under, where she decided to have her party this year!

She wasn't allowed to have an Ice-Cream cake there, and she's not a big fan of 'cake' so requested chocolate chip and poppy-seed lemon muffins. (We had ice-cream at home with family Sat night! Yummy!)

Family watching the kids and having fun chatting. I SO wanted to go climb around the thing with the kiddos, but cuz of my recent shoulder surgery, I'm not allowed to climb around like a monkey! :(

Natalie's gotten big enough, it was time for her to get a new, bigger bike. She LOVED it very much and they had fun riding together this afternoon!

Sabbath we went to the Michaels in Tellico Plains to their Church Plant, for Doreen and Larry to put on a musical church service with an organ, marimba and singing. It was VERY nice. After the service we headed back to the Michael's for lunch. Before we left, we swapped a Chicken that grew up to be a rooster they had given us earlier. (Too noisy in a subdivision neighborhood) and talked us into taking a couple of quail as well. Cute little things! Only, one of our chickens pecked one of the quail to death. So we'll have to keep 'em separate! How sad sin is! :(

On the way back home from the Michaels we were blessed to see this beautiful rainbow! Very, VERY beautiful!

What a FANTASTIC birthday weekend!!!

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