Sunday, October 26, 2008

Artsy Fartsy - Camping

We just got back from a campout at Harrison Bay, just North of Chattanooga. It's a great place to spend a weekend in nature. It has a 4.5 mile loop that runs along the lake, so Sabbath afternoon Joelle, Doreen and I, along with some friends went for a ride. Natalie wanted to stay back at camp with her best friend.

We came around a point and I saw this view and just had to snap a photo!

On the way to the campground early Friday morning, I saw this scene. It was a rainy day, but right then the rain had stopped to allow this perfect glassy looking lake photo. Love the fall colors on the tree in the background and the 'smoke' just above the lake.

Then just before we left we made sure to put the fire out and I just loved the smoke/steam rising from the firepit.

1 comment:

Shelly said...

I was missing your artsy fartsy pictures! I tried to take some creative pictures myself. You'll see them on my blog. I have a long way to go!