Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Aquarium Field Trip

Joelle had a field trip to the Aquarium today. Since Doreen's out of school now she was able to go with her. Here she's with her Teacher's Aide, Miss Marcie and Rachel and Michael.

They had a special presentation by one of the staff members there and Joelle was LOVING looking at this turtle.

Nice day!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Steve's Firsts

Here's some of my 'Firsts' if I can remember them...


Who was your FIRST prom date?
No prom, only "banquets" I think it was Cheryl.

What was your 1st alcoholic drink?
Still waiting for that 1st.

What was your FIRST job?
Mowing lawns in Montrose, CO!

What was your FIRST car?
Ford Courier (It was actually a pick-up.)

Who was the FIRST person to text you today?

Who is the FIRST person you thought of this morning?

Who was your FIRST grade teacher?
Mr Evens

Where did you go on your FIRST ride on an airplane?
The one I remember is Washington D.C.

Who was your FIRST best friend & do you still talk?
Tom - nope.

Where was your FIRST sleep over?
Can't remember

Who was the FIRST person you talked to today?

Whose wedding were you in the FIRST time?

What was the FIRST thing you did this morning?
Got a hug from my youngest daughter.

What was the FIRST concert you ever went to?
Phil Collins

FIRST tattoo or piercing?
Another 1st still on hold.

FIRST foreign country you went to?
Canada eh?

FIRST movie you remember seeing in the theaters?
Karate Kid

When was your FIRST detention?
No detention

First state you lived in?

Who was your FIRST roommate?
Billy N

Monday, April 28, 2008

Iris OR Spring

The weather got a bit chilly with a rain last night and some clouds today. (Chillier than the 70's we've been having.)

This afternoon things have warmed up again and the Iris we have in our front flowerbed have bloomed and they're just as pretty as ever. Just wanted to share with ya!


Thoughts on Life

You know, it's amazing what get you thinking about different things and 'where' you are in life.

I guess I've had those types of days lately.

Last week I had a trip running by myself. I had to run to Mebane, NC, swap trailers, go pick up a load in Cary, NC then head back home. Took me just under 24 hours to complete the run.

My trip left out at midnight, so I had to drive through the night. In some ways that is good because of less traffic and stuff. In other ways it's bad cuz for me between 4a and sunrise is the hardest time to stay awake while driving.

As I was rolling down the road, I got to thinking, "You know this is a big truck. It's quite a lot of responsibility driving one of these things safely. This truck is worth close to $100k, not to mention the worth of the cargo in the trailer and I'm sent out in it. Completely trusted. Trusted to go to NC and back." Interesting.

Then today, we got up and shipped the kids off to school. After that, Doreen gave me a haircut. I showered and then we took a short nap. I got up and went to the store and did our grocery shopping. Doreen started the laundry and did a couple other things. After I got home we put groceries away, made lunch, ate lunch. Then I packed a lunch for my trip and got all ready to go this evening.

Once everything was set, Doreen and I went to the rec center and played 45 minutes of racquetball, then went and played some basketball. We hadn't done stuff like that in ages. It was like we were 'just' a couple again. I almost felt like we were back in college. Little or no responsibilites. Then I looked at my watch and realized I had to go get the kids in 5 minutes. Reality came crashing back in, we're parents and we're getting old! :) (It also reminded me of just how much time we used to have - not having kids and how much time we just wasted! **GRIN** Also it pointed to me how much time couples (without kids) now-a-days have!)

Not that that's bad, but it's just where we are today. Older, responsible parents (hopefully).

I knew I'd get to 'this' place in my life as I was growing up. I still, mentally, feel really young, but at the same time know I'm not.

Anyway, those are just some of the thoughts rambling through my head.

Now back to life! :)

The 3 J's

When I was working at LifeTalk, 3 families had 3 girls within 9 months time. Oddly enough we all chose names for the girls that begin with the letter J. (Yeah, this was not a planned thing!)

One day, one of the other staffers got all 3 girls similar dresses so we took a pic. (L to R) Jannah - 9 mo, Josie - 7 mo & Joelle - 3 mo. It was precious!

Unfortunately, Josie and her family moved to Northern Michigan.

Last week they were back for a visit and we got this 'updated' shot of the 3 J's, 6 years later. Still precious!

(Luckily we got them in the same order too!)

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Tooth Loose No More

Yesterday was nuts for us. Doreen had special music, for both services. We had a Parenting meeting we put on. I had a trip to OH I was supposed to drive the 1st leg through the night, so I was trying to grab naps in-between everything. Wheew!

Anyway, we got home from everything and Joelle was showing Doreen how loose her tooth was. So Doreen grabbed the floss and tried a couple of times to pull it. No luck. We have an appointment with the Dentist May 6 for an extraction of some of her baby teeth to let her adult teeth grow in a bit straighter and lessed the time that will braces will be needed. So we explained that too her and bed time.

I was trying to catch a few zzz's before having to leave on my trip and Joelle came in twice talking about her tooth. So I popped up, went into the kitchen and grabbed my pliers. I was gonna try and get that tooth so she could go to bed and to sleep. I put a paper towel over it to help with the grip on the tooth and tried 3 times to get it pulled. Still no luck.

As I was looking around for another tooth pulling item, Doreen gave it one shot and 'pop' she got that little piece of enamel right out. Joelle was stoked. Me too, because that's one less 'extraction' we'll have to pay for at the dentist!

You can see in this pic, that her 'big/sdult' tooth was growing in behind the baby tooth. Joelle automatically compared herself to how sharks grow teeth! Too funny!

So now Joelle is toothlessly grinning from ear to ear now that has come out.

The tooth fairy did visit last night. Left her a buck.

Boy - inflation! :)

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Google It...

Go to Google and type in the questions below and look at the first item that comes up and fill in the answer.

Q: Type in "[your name] needs" in the Google search:
A: Steve needs to find a squirrel hitman.
(More like a carpenter bee hitman!)

Q: Type in "[your name] looks like" in Google search:
A: Steve looks like a GQ model on Flickr.
(I'll take that one!)

Q: Type in "[your name] likes" in Google search:
A: Steve Likes to Curse.
(No ^$%#&* way!)

Q: Type in "[your name] says" in Google search
A: Steve says it's coming back.
(Maybe? LOL!)

Q: Type in "[your name] wants" in Google search:
A: Steve wants to "tweak" me???

Q: Type in "[your name] does" in Google search:
A: Steve does it again...
(Hopefully it was a good thing!)

Q: Type in "[your name] hates" in Google search:
A : Steve hates George W. Bush!
(Should be "Politicians!")

Q: Type in "[your name] goes" in Google
A: Steve Goes Travelling, Dazed and Confucianism.

Q: Type in :[your name] loves" in Google search:
A: Steve Loves You.
(Awwww, isn't that sweet?!)

Friday, April 25, 2008

Racquetball Tournament - Round Three - Losers Bracket

And I'm OUT! I was handed my second loss in a double elimination tournament.

Man, did I have a tough game today. Played Bill T and he did all the playin'. I mostly did the watching of the ball bouncing away from me or just out of my reach or in such a way I couldn't hit it to the front wall.


He beat me in two games, 15-6 and 15-9. We played a third game just for fun and I still got trounced.

Oh well, it was good exercise and I had good fun playing everyone in the league/tournament.

Got to play some of these better players again - SOON!!! That's the only way I'm gonna get my game sharper!

Looked at the brackett this afternoon and I was perfectly seeded. I was seeded 7th and went out 7th. It's gonna be fun watching the rest of the tournament play out. Hoping to actually watch a couple of the games in person.

Until next year - that's the end of the racquetball league updates!

Ruby Falls

Thursday the girls had off because of Teacher Inservice, so as kind of a fun thing to do and because the kids have done so well in school this year, we took them to Ruby Falls with our friends.

We've already visited there, and I'm sure we will again, but just walking through that cave is just too cool!

Seein all the awesome formations in there is just cool!

Here we are overlookin' Chattanooga from Lookout Mtn.

Last Day Lunch

Thursday was Doreen's last day of school for this semester. All the girls decided they wanted to get together for lunch after their last class and just relax and chat and enjoy a good meal - then split for the summer.

Everyone met at a nearby Cracker barrel and had quite the time talking about what had happened over the semester, what people are going to do over the summer and what to expect next year. The really nice thing is that one of the girls works at a Cracker barrel partime, so she was able to use her employee discount and get every one's meal just a bit cheaper. Nice!!!

I had gotten home from a trip at 4am and Joelle and Natalie were off school for Teacher In service, so we got invited along. What a cool day! As we were checking out an 'older' fella who sat at a table near us and checked out right before we did, said to me, "Must be nice hanging out with all the pretty ladies." I told him, it had it's privileges! :)

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Remembering Those Who Have Served

This post is more suited to Veterans Day, or Memorial Day or even the 4th of July, but I'm going to do it today.

We got a box this past week from my Grandma. In it she included two photos of the new Alvarado (TX) Veterans Memorial that just got put up in the city where my grandma lives.

Looks like they did a good job.

I started looking at this close up shot she took for me, and I saw arrows pointing to two names I recognize. One is my grandfather, Gerald Sabes (1st column 10 down) and the other my great uncle, Maurice Weeks. (2nd column 2 down) That is too cool!

So I went over to our wall downstairs and looked at this frame my grandfather made for me before he passed away. He made it with his actual metals and patches from his uniform. I'm thankful he made this for me.

Last year, my aunt Jane sent me the flag that covered my grandfathers casket at his funeral. Then not too long ago she sent me a piece of his parachute she had. I hung it in the same shadowbox with the flag with one of the pair of paratrooper wings he gave me. (The hat is my father's, but this is a good place to 'display' it!)

A while back, I made a deal with my great uncle Russell. I swapped him a little .38 revolver for this German Luger pistol he brought back from WWII. So I got a couple of pics of him, bought some actual patches from his Division and Unit and made this little wall hanging.

Then just a couple of weeks ago, I finished this frame of my dad's time in the military.

I think they're a good reminder of those who served the USA in our armed services!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Emergency Glasses Repair OR Deck Work

Today was a busy day.

Doreen and I had lots of plans we'd made last night. Then, later in the evening, I had an idea that changed the course of today.

We were gonna take the kids to school, play some racquetball, run an errand, do a couple of little chores and a small project. What we ended up doing was a LOT BIGGER!

I still took the kids to school, then ran the errand. Yesterday, Joelle and a friend were playing and she accidentally got bopped in the face, which broke the left ear piece completely off her glasses. So this morning I ran them over to the eye glasses doctor where we bought them. He happened to have 3 broken sets of the same frames in the back and was able to piece together Joelle's glasses. Turns out that kids glasses get broken a lot and so he keeps them around to reuse and repair other kids glasses. Who knew!! He, he, he!

So then I took them back to her and voila - she can see again!

Then we decided to stain/seal our deck. It's been a project 'to do' for quite some time. Well, we had temps in the high 70's today, no rain in site for the next 3 to 4 days, so we got to it. While I was running around, Doreen folded all our laundry and cleaned the deck thoroughly.

When I got home about 9:15a, we broke out the stain/sealer and got to staining/sealing. I figured it'd take a couple of hours. HA!

#1 - The foamy brushes we had, fell apart in the first 2 hours. Doing each part took TON of time. Right before lunch, I ran to the hardware store to get more foamy brushes. We at lunch and go right back to it.

#2 - It's a big deck!

#3 - We ran out of stain/sealer. You'd think a 5 gal bucket would be sufficient. Nope! Got two more gallons before we could completely finish it!

Didn't get done, after two trips, and Doreen splitting to pick the kids up from school, until almost 4:30p.

Thank goodness, our deck is now protected for the next 3 years.

Wheeeeew!!! :)

Monday, April 21, 2008

Year 1 - In the Bag

Doreen finished her finals for this first year this morning. Passed them all!!!

She has been so dedicated studying hard, putting in the hours to learn what she needs to know to do exceptionally well!

In fact, she has not needed one re-take at all this year. (If they do not pass an exam, they get two chances to retake it, with each test over the same subject getting harder. If they don't pass that 2nd retake, they get expelled from the program.)

She's got two more days of classes to finish some 'housekeeping' stuff, then freedom for the summer!

I tell ya, she's feeling relieved tonight. We even get to sit and watch a movie together!

How nice! :)

Racquetball Tournament - Round Two - Losers Bracket

Had my second game of the tournament tonight. After losing my first game it put me into the losers bracket. I had a high enough seeding that I had a bye for the next game. Nice. Got a practice game in and I've been practicing on my own a bit.

Played a friend, Aaron tonight. Tough, TOUGH match. It took all three games for me to win the match. I beat him 15-13, lost 7-15 and won the 3rd game 11-8. We went back and fourth back and fourth. In fact, in the last game, we had no less than 6 side out's with no one scoring. Man - I'm wore out.

I'm still in it though. Had I lost tonight, with the double elimination, I'd have been finished.

Next round please! :)

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Joelle's Birthday Party

My oldest daughter turned 7 years old today. Wow! I cannot believe it. She's 7. It has gone so fast, yet at times it seems like she's been with us forever.

She wasn't sure what kind of birthday party she wanted to have this year. Then she decided on a skating party! The first two times we went to the rollerskating rink, she was having a tough time. But since she got a set of inline skate and a bit of practice at home - she tore it up today!

Natalie, with her friend Jaleena, did fantastically as well!

We asked Joelle what kind of cake she wanted and she said, "Soccer ball." So that's what she got. This was made of 24 cupcakes and beautifically decorated. The actual cupcakes were red-velvet, yummy!

After skating a couple hours they gave us a room and a slice of pizza for each kid and a drink. We ate the cake and then Joelle got to open her presents.

Then we went out to skate more and she did pretty good at the limbo, but fell the next 'lower' round.

She had a smile on her face a mile wide when we walked out of the building. Success!!!

Both of them crashed quickly after putting them to bed. Guess we wore them out. Success! :)

Course, I'm tired now too, so I'm gonna crash and be asleep within minutes!

Again, Success! :)

Sabbath School Outdoors

Yesterday our Sabbath School had our program outdoors. We have some friends that own 125+ beautiful acres 30 minutes North of where we live. They have a pavilion and bathrooms and a kitchenette that was perfect for the setting. We had SS, I invited a good friend up to speak for the service and then a HUGE potluck meal.

Afterwards we went on a hayride around the property.

Awesome day!

Here's my Joelle bein a little farmer with a bit of straw in our mouth.

Here's Natalie doin' the same thing.

Here's a shot of Doreen and I!

It was a fun and truly blessed day!

Name Meanings

Yesterday at our Outdoor Sabbath School, I took the kids and had a special little service for them.

One story I told them was of Hannah and how she prayed for a son then named him Samuel which means 'asked of God.'

Later in the afternoon, Joelle started asking me what her name means. I didn't know. Kind of sad as a parent.

Anyway, did some looking this morning and looked at all our names. Here the info is for posterity and hopefully to help me remember! :) Info provided by - Baby Names World.

Steven - Origin: Greek
Meaning: Crowned One
Form of: Stephen
Used in: English Speaking Countries
Popularity in '71: 16th
Popularity Today: 532nd
Famous People: Film directors Steven Spielberg, Steven Soderbergh and
Steven Seagal, and English footballer Steven Gerrard.

Doreen - Origin: Greek
Meaning: Gift of God
Form of: Dorothea
Used in: English Speaking Countries
Popularity in '71: 392nd
Popularity Today: N/A
Famous People: N/A

Joelle - Origin: Hebrew
Meaning: The Lord is God
Form of: Joel
Used in: French Speaking Countries
Popularity in '01: 947th
Popularity Today: N/A
Famous People: N/A

Natalie - Origin: Italian
Meaning: Christ's Birthday
Form of: Natalia
Used in: English, French & German Speaking Countries
Popularity in '71: 30th
Popularity Today: 16th
Famous People: Singers Natalie Imbruglia, Natalie Cole and Natalie
Appleton, and actresses Natalie Portman and Natalie Wood.
Additional Info: Natalie is the English form of Natalia, which is derived from the Italian "natale," meaning "birthday." The term refers specifically to Christ's birthday - the Italian phrase for "merry Christmas" is "buon natale!", literally "good birthday!"

SurName Info:
Pester - English (Devon), Dutch, and German: occupational name for a baker, from Anglo-Norman French pestour, pistour, Middle Dutch pester, pister ‘baker’ (Old French pestor, pesteur, German Pistor, from Latin pistor).

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Round 1 Win

JUST finish watching the Colorado Avalanche win their game and win round one in the NHL playoffs, eliminating the Wild!


More Broncos

Found this DVD set on ebay for a song. So, I grabbed it!

Just watched both DVD's tonight. Man, it was so nice reliving the two Bronco Superbowl wins. Excellent memories!

Now we just need another one! :)

Friday, April 18, 2008


Oh my word, does my thumb hurt this evening!!!

Tomorrow, we're having Sabbath School Outdoors. We've got it all set up to have our SS and church service out in God's nature.

Their is a chance of rain tomorrow, so the place we're having our Outdoor SS is at a friend place. They have a really nice pavilion and plenty of room to play for kids and a kitchenette and a couple real bathrooms. Nice!

So since a chance of rain is in the forecast, I went over this evening to help Ross put up a canopy. All was going great until we got to the last gromet.

We were gonna bungee cord it off to the pole and call it good. I was STRETCHING that bungee for all it was worth...

...You know what's coming next don't you?

Yup, the gromit hole in the tarp, a new one by the way, busted and the bungee and the gromit came flying back and 'whacked' me right on the thumb of my left hand.

The good: I don't have to work this weekend (time for it to heal.), we were practically done, it wasn't an eye or some other vital body-part.

The bad: It HURTS like the dickens!!!!!

Well, anyway, we got it done and I'm very pleased. Hope the rest of the weekend goes this well!!!

JP B-day - Part 1

This weekend is my oldest daughter's 7th birthday. Wow, is she that old already? My lands, where has the time gone. Anyway, for her cake this year, she was wanting a cherry cheese cake. That's kind of hard to do and expensive for 13 kids plus about 10 adults. So we decided to have a little pre-birthday, birthday party for her with a cherry cheese cake.

Joelle was extremely suprised and delighted!

Boy was it yummy too! :)

194 of 215

Who know's who '7 of 9' is?

That's right Scott, a character from Star Trek.

Well, at my work, I just found out where I work, I am number 194 of 215 drivers.

Wheeeew! That's a lot.

That's also not a lot of movement up the chain of seniority in 2 1/2 years!

Guess I'll get there someday! :)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Bladin' & Bike Repairin'

See those roller blades on my feet? Picked them up at the local Thrift Store for $.27. That's right, 27 cents! Can you believe it? They are a pretty good set too. A bit snug, but better that than loose!

So, with those, and the ones I bought for the girls I have less than 3 bucks in the whole works.

Anyway, after getting home from school, we all threw our roller blades on and went bladin' on our road.
Lots of fun! Good exercise too!!

Here's Joelle strikin a rollerblader pose!

Natalie's striking a Monkieing around on rollerblades pose! I think?! :) It's cute anyway!

So I had to strike a rollerblader pose. (Of course to anyone who knows anything about rollerbladin and rollerskating realizes that I'm not getting off to a fast start in rollerblades with that pose, however if I had a set of rollerskates on, I'm off in a sec! Too funny!)

Well, if you don't know what this is all about, you can read my previous post and a post from my father-in-law that will explain it. Sure enjoyed having the help as we put Joelle's new tube in and put her bike back together. She was extremely excited. Now she's rip-roarin' ready for another ride! :)

Indy Motor Speedway

Just got back from a trip to Indiana. We had 5 stops basically running in a circle around Indianapolis. The trip went well and we got done quickly, working through the night.

Then we had to go pick up our backhaul. Turns out it was a brokered load for Coca Cola bringing some stuff to Chattanooga. (42,000 lbs of bottled Coke, Diet Coke and Sprite.)

As we were waiting to make the turn onto the road that the pick up facility was on, I noticed something else. This HUGE set of grandstands. I knew the Colts played in downtown Indy in a dome, that wasn't it. Then it dawned on me. I was actually in Speedway, IN and that is the home of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. They run the Indy 500 (Formula 1) and the Brickyard 500 (NASCAR) there.

So I snapped a quick pic before we made the turn and drove down the front streatch. This is actually the corner of turn 1 on the racetrack.

Coolness! Never been there in person before.

Kind of a cool experience!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Broncos Info

Just found out the Broncos schedule for this coming season. Coolness!

1 Mon, Sep 8 at Oakland 10:15 PM
2 Sun, Sep 14 San Diego 4:15 PM
3 Sun, Sep 21 New Orleans 4:05 PM
4 Sun, Sep 28 at Kansas City 1:00 PM
5 Sun, Oct 5 Tampa Bay 4:05 PM
6 Sun, Oct 12 Jacksonville 4:05 PM
7 Mon, Oct 20 at New England 8:30 PM
9 Sun, Nov 2 Miami 4:05 PM
10 Thu, Nov 6 at Cleveland 8:15 PM
11 Sun, Nov 16 at Atlanta 1:00 PM ***
12 Sun, Nov 23 Oakland 4:05 PM
13 Sun, Nov 30 at NY Jets 1:00 PM
14 Sun, Dec 7 Kansas City 4:05 PM
15 Sun, Dec 14 at Carolina 1:00 PM
16 Sun, Dec 21 Buffalo 4:05 PM
17 Sun, Dec 28 at San Diego 4:15 PM

***I'm going to actually try and make it to this game. Can't hardly pass up an opportunity to watch my team play when they're so close!!!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

What will "I Not Touch" in the Future?

Life and technology changes so fast!!!

Just last month the entire fleet at my work was finally retrofitted with On Board Computers. (OBC's) We now log electronically, can communicate via satellite to the bakery and can send and receive information that is important to our trips.

Some of us have made the transition easily. Some drivers still are finding it a challenge.

It is intriguing to note that overall, those who are having a difficult time are some of the older drivers.

Not to long ago, I took a trip with an older driver and he had me doing all the computer stuff. He said, "I don't have a computer at home and won't touch the things."

I've also been with other older drivers who just dove right in and are doing quite well with them.

That got me thinking as I drove home from my Columbus, OH trip today. With technology changing so fast, what might come up in my future that 'some' will not touch with a 10 ft pole?

Then it got me to thinking that I hope I'm open enough to change and be willing to learn the new stuff.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Spring Sabbath

Today was a gloriously beautiful day! We had plans to get together with our friends Scot & Pati A and Ross, Cindy, Jacquelin and Paul H, go for a picnic and a bike ride on the Chattanooga Riverwalk.

Last night we weren't so sure it would happen. We had TONS of rain, wind and just nasty weather.

This morning, we got up for church with the sun shining. Awesome

So after church we did our thing.

Here's my family posing on a beautiful bridge next to the river.

Here's Doreen and Joelle zoomin down the Chattanooga River parkway.

Of course we HAD to stop to find a couple of geocaches on the way. Two of them were Micro size containers, and when I say micro, I mean micro! Almost didn't find one!

Just another shot I got from the back of the group as we rode today. It was Sunny, about 70, kinda breezy but very, VERY nice!!! (SOOOOO very sorry Monkey Family. Believe me, we feel for ya!!!!!!!)

Mystery Solved

Check this out. As I was finishing up adding some posts to my page last night, I heard a "POP!" It was extremely loud. I jumped!

So I got up and looked around trying to figure out what popped. Thought it might have had something to do with the dryer vent I put in along with a bunch of 'Great Stuff' around it to seal the hole.

Nope, not it!

Checked the furnace, the electrical outlet, the lightbulbs - any and everything I could think of, I checked.

Then I went upstairs to ask Doreen if she'd heard it. Nothing.

So I put it out of my head and went to bed.

This afternoon as we headed to the park for the picnic and biking, for some reason, I decided to check Joelle's rear tire. F L A T!

We tried blowing it up, but heard a wierd sound out of the tire. So, I pulled the tire and the tube and found a 4 'inch blowout in the tube.


So that's what popped.

We didn't have a back-up tube for Joelle, but we did take her old bike. She was very dissapointed, but handled it in a very VERY excellent big girl way. We were so impressed! AND THANKFUL!!!

Wheeew. I'm very glad it wasn't something major in the house that popped. A tire tube can be replaced, very quickly and easily.

So - Mystery solved!!! Thank heavens!!! :)

Friday, April 11, 2008

More Memories in Picture

Yep - here's more memories from our 'trucking years.' (1996 - 1999)

Doreen's standing at the front of a paddle boat on the river that runs through Savannah, GA. This was also the same weekend, while we were waiting for our next load, we took an awesome trolly tour through downtown Savannah.

Once while getting the bent tie-rod one our truck fixed, along with two new steer tires and an alignment up in Mass, we went to the NBA Basketball Hall of Fame. Coolness!

While waiting to load in Las Vegas, NV - we took in some sights. Up at the top of the Stratosphere, (Kind of like the Space Needle in Seattle, WA) we rode the roller coaster called the High Roller. Very tame. (FYI - just found out that coaster is no longer there. They removed it and replaced it with two other wild looking rides. Interesting!)

THEN, we went on the Big Shot. It shot us straight up 160 feet (from the top of tower) at 45 mph (over 4 Gs) until we were 1,081 feet above the Strip. THAT was a ride to remember!!!

Here I am standing in the middle of Fort Sumter, near Charleston, SC where the Civil War began. It was awesome because you could still see rusted artillery embeded in the walls. Living History!!!

On some trip somewhere, Doreen gave me a bit of a break, driving on her 'learners permit' so I could take a bit of a nap! She did great handlin' that big old beast!!!

Here we needed a jump. We'd spent the weekend with Doreen's Grandma M in Wildwood, GA and when we got back out to the truck to head to our next destination, the truck was completely dead. (Turns out we figured out later we had to replace 3 of the 4 batteries. Oh well!) This guy pulled us forward, I popped the clutch while the truck was in 4th gear and we were good to go - as soon as he put us down and unhooked the truck and disconnected his airline! :)

Well, hope you've enjoyed these pics from our memories. Just randomly chose a few. Believe me, I could put a TON more photos up!!!

Anyway, look for my next set in the future. They'll be from our 'post trucking' era!