Friday, November 30, 2007



It's interesting, Martin Luther King, Jr once said, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

I just read a blog by a fella named Daniel who stated, "The injustice among the world is not as heart breaking as those witnessed within the Church."

How incredibly TRUE both those statements are!

Fortunately, the aforementioned injustice was not directly part of my life. I dealt with that enough in the last year of my previous job to fill a lifetime. However, I just had a terrible injustice, in my beloved denomination, come to my attention today. It has made me very sad, frustrated and angry. And the worst part of it, as much as I think about it - I don't see anyway to help rectify the situation. I feel completely helpless.

Now let me say at the outset, I do NOT have the full story. I have bits and pieces from here and there - and I am trying to get the 'rest of the story,' just haven't gotten it all yet.

In a particular church in my denomination, there are two pastors, both have been there for quite some time. It is my understanding that for almost the entire time, there has been a 'personality clash' between these two. The last I knew of it, they were attempting to work it out.

Unfortunatly, I found out today, that apparently, the 'Head' pastor had the 'Associate' pastor removed. He cleaned out his desk/office last Monday and is gone. My understanding it is over something that is pretty petty, and some of the 'founding families' of the church took offense to a 'decision' and made it known to the head pastor, who then took it to the local conference to have the associate removed - totally bypassing the local church board. In the melee of everything, the associate apologized for the handling of the decision, but not the decision itself.

The associate, began a 'planting of a church' in an area that needed a church and the 'head' has 'moved' in, in taking 'credit.'

The associate is HIGHLY active with the youth and young lives are being touched.

The associate is helping parents understand better ways to be a Godly parent.

The associate took a few hours out of a Sabbath and just went up to a campout that a group of the church was having - just to 'hang' with the gang for a bit. They (asociate & wife) only stayed for an hour or so, but they showed they cared enough to visit.

This Assoicate Pastor is 'in the trenches' working along side the congregation to make things happen to further God's word. The Head pastor rarely makes an outside the sanctuary appearance.

Now which pastor would you want leading up the church???

Well, the conference saw it differently and removed the associate. What sense does that make?????

When the local board found out, they asked to have the 'head' removed as well and was told by the conference that was not an option.

What is with our denomination that they allow things like what happened at my previous job and currently at a church?

Now, this is where I could start coming up with all sorts of 'reasons' (excuses) why I should not attend the church every week and pay my tithes and offerings because of the way the denomination is handling things like this. But that is my emotions talking. Satan wants me to walk away from the church and so he's creating circumstances for me to 'have' excuses - and if I think about things logically, I know God has a special mission for this church and the devil will attack it - forcefully.

Yet, it deeply distrubs me when I see blantant 'evil' taking place in the denomination.

How does one listen to a pastor on a radio show talk about compassion for fellow man, yet fires 80+ % of his staff, after putting them through so much strife? How does one listen to a sermon, and gain a blessing, from a 'Head' pastor who attempts to undermine the effectiveness of a Godly associate and then pushes him out? (Oh by the way, the 'head' tried getting associate ousted about a year ago as well.) AND why during the holiday season?!!!

To show the difference in the reactions of the two - the 'Associate' pastor and wife, even when they are leaving, are trying to keep from being 'negative' about the situation and talking about it or the cause of their plight little or none.

Does that sound like a troublesome pastor to you? Which pastor seems more Godly?

I just DO NOT UNDERSTAND how things like politics get into a church setting and cause rifts and strife.

In just sitting here thinking about this situation and all, I just cannot help but shake my head in disbelief.

What a sad day in our church, that politics leads more than Jesus does. No wonder people fall asleep in the pews, or aren't willing to volunteer more to even take one position in the church to help in the work or perpetuate problems instead of solving them and moving on.

That is so very sad.


Thursday, November 29, 2007


Had a third trip at work this week, voluntarily. Could use the extra money. (See post coming at a later date for a further explanation.)

It was a little gravy run to 3 stop around Atlanta. We left so we were running around in the middle of the night delivering snack cakes. (That's the best time to be in Atlanta - otherwise plan LOTS of extra time for copious amounts of traffic.)

We had a back-haul scheduled for 9am, but we arrived at 6. The place didn't open until 7, so my co-driver was in the bunk and I grabbed a nap up front.

At 5 till, this little guy comes up and knocks on the door, "Back into door #6 and take your paperwork inside."

An hour later, they're finished loading us and I pull out to close the doors and head home.

As I walk back to the cab, I notice one of the tires looks funny. I kick it and it flops - FLAT!

I call the bakery and find the closest place is a TA truck stop 3 miles away. I limp it over, get a new tire and get home 2 1/2 hours later than expected.

Don't know why we got a flat there - but as always, I choose to look at it as a blessing to avoid something maybe more dangerous down the road.

Fixed-a-Flat! :)

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Santa's Little Elves

You have to watch us in action. Boy can our family boogie down. Took us a while to get the choreography right! :)

Waaa ha, ha, ha, ha!

Click, The Pesters, to watch us dance this holiday season! :)

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Sabbath Girls

Last week, Joelle got to help be a 'deaconess' at church. It was a thing the Adventurers were doing, so she got all duded up in her dress uniform and was very precious!

Natalie on the other hand, decided she didn't want to, so she got dressed up in one of her new dresses she got from Grandma O on her birthday!

Both - precious! :)

Friday, November 23, 2007

Christmas Preparations!

It's the day after Thanksgiving, and now that holiday has passed, according to my precious wife, we have permission to begin making preparations for Christmas. Here are my three precious 'girls' in the spirit of the season.

My sweet girls and I all ready for Santa! :)

Putting our 'fake' tree together. We've figured out this is the last year for this old tree. It's served us well for a number of years but it's beginning to fall apart.

Getting the right ornaments together to hang. We've got two precious 'elves' to do all the hanging.

Here's the 4 of us happy to be together and all set with our Christmas decorations for this year.

"You Can Take That to the Bank!"

Today was a big day. The girls took their piggy banks and we opened an account for each of them. They have a LOT to learn about money. What a better way than to start them off with an account, with their own money, give them a 'pay day' each week and help them to learn now how to handle this stuff.

Everyone mentioned how 'cute' they were when we walked in. They sat so nicely while all the info was being filled out on them for their accounts.

Precious little ones. Pray that they learn well!! :)


Earler in the week, when we had some very nice weather, Doreen and the kids went out to 'play.' The raked together a big pile of leaves...

... and of course my two precious little girls had all sorts of fun jumpin' in it and havin' a BUNCH of fun!



Main Entry: vin·di·cate
Pronunciation: \ˈvin-də-ˌkāt\
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): vin·di·cat·ed; vin·di·cat·ing
Etymology: Latin vindicatus, past participle of vindicare to lay claim to, avenge, from vindic-, vindex claimant, avenger
Date: circa 1571
1obsolete : to set free : deliver
2: avenge
3 a: to free from allegation or blame b (1): confirm, substantiate (2): to provide justification or defense for : justify c: to protect from attack or encroachment : defend
4: to maintain a right to

Today, I was vindicated!

Last March, we had family, from both sides visiting. It was a great time and we did LOTS of things and spent lots of time together. Well - two people #1 & #2 gave me a rash of 'garbage' (all in good fun of course) about an itenerary I put together so we could do everything everyone wanted to do, and so everyone would know what was coming up.

WELL, my wife was talking with #2 on the phone tonight. They have family coming in for a visit, and #2 said, and I quote, "I'm starting to think that Steve's itinerary is a good idea and I'm thinking about putting one together when the family comes to visit."

Ummm hummmm! ;)

Oh yeah!


Ha, ha, ha!


Thursday, November 22, 2007

World Traveler???

So I've been lots of places. Last week in was in Paris, TX next week I'm going to Paris, KY. Without even crossing the ocean, I've been in some exotic places. :) Going to London, KY next week as well. Wow - a new place! :)

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Traffic, Traffic, Traffic

My last trip before the Thanksgiving Holiday was a relay trip to Mebane, NC.

The trip started an hour and a half late due to an additional 40 cases that had to be put on the truck.

Well, I finally got underway and things were great between Collegedale and Knoxville. Between Knoxville and the NC state line, not bad - then about 40 miles in to North Carolina, things got busy. For the next 100 miles it was crazy. The roads were just extremely busy.

Made it at 9pm, unloaded those cases, swapped trailers and hit the bunk.

10 hours later, up, pre-tripped the truck, and headed out. I hit rush hour traffic in Greenboro, NC that slowed me down and then it was fine for a while - then most of the rest of the way home was just crowded with vehicles. Lots and lots of vehicles.

Man, this Thanksgiving holiday season, even with gas a $3 a gallon, there's still a TON of people traveling!!!

Then 10 miles before getting back home there was an accident that backed traffic up. I had to go to the restroom sooooo bad!!!! Man o man!!

Boy, was I ever so glad to get back!

Now to enjoy the holiday!

Cherrio! :)

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I Was Randomly Selected to be the Winner of A...

...Random drug screen! Yippeeeeeeeeeee!

Yesterday morning I went into to work at 3:30a to hookup and head to Lumberton, SC. Found the tractor - drove around to the dispatch office, found my co-driver and headed in.

On our paperwork was a note that said 'confidential.' The dispatcher opened it and it said, "Steve Pester, you have been selected for a random drug and alcohol screen."

So he gave me the key to a company van and I had to drive over to the nurses office. Before I did, I grabbed 2 quick glasses of water and a cup of coffee.

When I got there, I had to sit for 15 min, since my last drink, for the alcohol swab/test. Passed with flying colors - obviously.

Then I downed 3 more cups of water and another cup of coffee trying to have to use the bathroom.

Finally 25 minutes later, I got the feeling I was looking for. Got the nurses attention and went through the whole rig-a-marol of emptying my pockets and heading into a little closet/bathroom and doing my business in a cup. Yippppeeeeeeee!

Then signing all the little sample cups and paperwork etc.

Boy - I sure hope I get to do this again - SOOOOOONNN!!!!

Because of that test, we left an hour late, hit Atlanta rush-hour traffic and got slowed down. Our last drop we got there just after another truck and we had to wait for them to clear out before we could unload. Then we had exactly 6 hours to go 390 miles home.

Yeah - I was speeding a bit.

We gated-in with 3 mintues to spare before I ran out of time on my log-book. Oy vai!

That is TOOOO close for comfort!

Oh well - at least we made it!

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Thanksgiving Family

My daughters have school tomorrow, but it's not a 'typical' school day. They're having a Thanksgiving re-enactment. They'll hall get some chances to make candles, soap and do lots of things the original pilgrims did.

One of the really fun things they all get to do is go dressed up as a Pilgrim or Indian. Now, when I heard this, I immediately assumed that Joelle would want to be an indian and Natalie a pilgrim. Well, as the picture clearly shows, they both wanted the opposite of what I expected. Leave it to kids to throw their parents curveballs eh??!!! :)

Aren't they sweet?

Friday, November 16, 2007

WARNING: Severe Radiation Ahead, Enter at Your Own Risk!!!

One of the assignments in Doreen's Dental Hygiene program is that she has to find some of her own patients to practice taking real x-rays of their teeth.

Well, she had some people lined up who were going to help her today, but they called on Wednesday and had to cancel because of a death in the family. Well, she talked to another friend of ours to be a minuteman but was worried about the 'other' patient she needed.

Guess who got to be her guinea pig? I'll give you a sec to think about it as you view this pic of her getting all geared up!

(Hum the theme for Jeopardy here...)

Her ever loving hubby volunteered!!!

Yup, I went in, and she sat me in the chair, threw the iron 'bib' on me and for the next 25 minutes took 18 different shots of ALL the teeth in my head. She's say, "Open, bite down gently, turn your head this way, sit still." Good practice for her with REAL patients! Ha, ha, ha! I could tell, she felt a bit of pressure and was a bit nervous, but she did a great job and got them through and done quickly, proficiently and professionally!

It probably doesn't matter that I've had the 'Big V' done, cuz after that many shots of those radiations ions, I'm not sure we could ever have kids again! Waaaaa ha, ha, ha, ha!!!!

Acutally, the cool thing was, she was allowed 3 retakes if something turned out wrong. Of those 18 x-rays, she had to retake a total of zero! The teacher was mightly impressed.

The bigger issue is, we found out our dentist is not doing his job. They found a cavity in tooth #15. I just had x-rays taking in July at my last cleaning and both the instructor and the Dr. at the school said there is NO way that cavity started just since July. So, now we've got to find a new - GOOD - dentist!!! (The good thing is Doreen's in a place where we can get a good reference!!! GRIN)

Anyway, Doreen is excelling at her training at the School of Dental Hygiene at Chattanooga State. She still could use her prayers though! Lots more to come for her!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Trip from Hell!

I just had the "TRIP FROM HELL!!!"

I love my job and most times, really enjoy my trips I take. Some I like less than others, any run to eastern Kentucky for example, but this one was the worst.

So here was my understanding of the trip. Cake run to E Georgia, back-haul in Atlanta, deliver to bakery in Gentry, AR. Take empty trailer to Paris, TX, pick up back-haul return to Collegedale. Not a bad run.

Here's what it ended up being. Trip to E Georgia, back-haul in Atlanta, deliver to bakery in Gentry, AR. Here's where the proverbial monkey wrench gets thrown in. We picked up a trailer full of cakes for a run to Texas, 5 stops, THEN pick up a back-haul and return Collegedale.

Now all that probably would have been fine and good, however, when we left Monday morning, my first 'assignment' was to climb in the bunk, which I did for a few hours. Problem was, when I awoke - I had a hint of a sore throat and it kept getting worse and worse the whole trip. Then to have the added cake run on, it just wore me out.

I worked until midnight on Tuesday night, then had to drive to the back haul and get there by 2a or the place would close. So I was pushed for time. Made it, got loaded then had to drive another hour and a half until 5a. Man was I bushed.

When I went to bed, couldn't get to sleep cuz I had gotten a fever and with the chills, I could not get comfortable.

Finally, I drifted off to sleep. My co-driver drove for 6 hours and ran out of time, then I had to drive the other 4 to get us home. Boy I felt awful!

In fact, today, all I did was lay around, nap and watch TV. Trying to get my energy back.

I was NEVER so glad to get a trip completed!!!

Friday, November 09, 2007

Mouth Window!

My oldest has just been waiting for a tooth to come out. She's been dying for one to even begin to get loose since her best friend has lost some.

Well, Wednesday, while I was on a trip to Hollywood, FL - I get a call from my wife and puts Joelle one. "Guess what daddy?"

She lost a tooth! I could tell how EXTREMELY excited she was. The tooth fairy even left her a dollar for that piece of bone.

Another 'milestone' in my little girl's life!


Wednesday, November 07, 2007

My Precious Kiddos

At Chuck E Cheese, they've got this machine that you throw a token in it, sit there for 2 minutes while it draws a pic of ya.

I was just looking at these this morning. They were laying on the top of the shoe rack waiting to get put away.

We've really been blessed with two precious little girls!




Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Top of the Class!

Doreen got a call this afternoon. It was one of her instructors at the Dental Hygiene school.

Well, before I get into the cool info, let me share a bit of the backstory.

The Dental Hygiene school at Chatt state is going through their accreditation program this semester. Things are a bit wiggie around there with all the class-work going on, lab work, instruction and actual patients. In this accreditation process, the state looks at work from a couple of 2nd year students, 1st year students and other things.

So, one of Doreen's instructors calls today and asks permission to use a presentation she prepared and presented to the class and her pre-clinic portfolio. The instructor said that Doreen's material was the first stuff that popped into their heads to use.

Isn't that awesome!!!

Yeah Bro, I've got some GREAT kids and a wife that is just about perfect, I'm the only one in the clan that 'screw's things up!!!!! :)

Congrats sweetie! I AM SO INCREDIBLY PROUD OF YOU!!!

Keep up the good work!!!

Dearly Departed Dryer

Today after dropping the kids off at school, I had a couple of errands to run then I was gonna head to the Rec Center to exercise a bit, then home to do some other things.

While I'm in a store, I was talking with Doreen, and she was working on the laundry. Lo and behold the dryer will no longer work. It's dead.

So I hop in the car, head home, instead of to my workout, and check to see what might be the problem. After some diagnosing, sure enough - our dryer had gone to that big laudrymat in the sky.

What to do? Doreen could finish getting the clothes washed and I could take them to a local laundrymat and dry them or we get a new dryer.

Well, our dryer was handed down to us from our in-laws, it was WELL used before we got it. So we decided to get a new one.

I start looking online at all the typical places that have driers and start to feel dissappointed because I don't want to pay that price - even for the cheapest dryer.

Then Doreen mentions one of those scratched/dented stores that's across the street from her school.

I jump in the truck and head out there to get a look-see.

Sure enough I found one that the 'dent' is on the very back - and it's really NO big deal. We saved over $100 getting that one.

Hope it will last us quite some time!

Buh bye old dryer! :)

Sad Broncos

I'm feeling a little sad. My favorite team, the Denver Broncos, aren't doing too well this season! Here are some disturbing stats on the Broncos this year...

--Eighteen players have scored at least one touchdown for New England. Nearly half the league's teams (Atlanta, Baltimore, Buffalo, Carolina, Chicago, Denver, New York Jets, Kansas City, Oakland, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Seattle, St. Louis, Tennessee and Washington) have not recorded 18 touchdowns.

--The Broncos are 3-5 and their rushing defense is now the league's second-worst.

--With their loss last week to Green Bay, Denver's win/loss record at home is dropped to pre 1970 records - SAD!

--The 3 wins this season have ALL be squeekers, winning on the foot of Kicker Jason Elam. In most of their losses they've been BLOWN out!


I'm still behind my Broncos, but sometimes it isn't as fun as other times! :)

Go Broncos!!!

Monday, November 05, 2007

Zoo Crew

Sunday the girls (& Doreen) went to the Zoo with the Little Lambs club from our Adventurers to earn the Zoo honor. They had a ball!

Of course they absolutely LOVED the petting zoo!

Here's a couple girls up a creek without a paddle! :)

I'm guessing they would have LOVED to ride this donkey, but were fine posing with it for a pic! :)

A Welcome to the World of Blogging

Hey readers,

We've got a family member that is brand new to the world of blogging, my sister-in-law, Shelly!

I LOVE keeping up with family and friends who don't live nearby by on-line journal.

So sis-in-law, post away and know that you've got at least 2 faithful readers. (Me and Doreen! **GRIN**)

Welcome and have fun posting and we'll enjoy reading!

Movies VS Book Battle

Sunday night was an EXCELLENT night for movies on TV. I had some stuff I planned to do, but ended up watching "The Hunt for the Red October" "Sahara" and "U.S. Marshalls."

Now it's intersting, of the three movies - in my opinion, "U.S. Marshalls" as a movie was the best of the three.

But as books, of the two that are books - that I know of ("Red October & Sahara"), "The Hunt for the Red October." Of course, if you ask me, "The Hunt for the Red October" is one of the best novels ever written!!!

Here's where my beef is. Why, WHy, WHY, "WHY" in the world would a screen writer change any of the sequences of just about ANY BOOK? Especially very GOOD books!!! WHY!!! You see 4 books pictured here on this post and all four movies were ruined by a screen writer changing stuff in the book.

Why, WHy, WHYYYYYYY?????? AAAAaarrrrrgggghhhhhhh!!!

When a good book is written people enjoy the novel for what it is. I undestand, that a book cannot be made into a two hour movie. No problem, with what you do end up making - STAY TRUE to the story in the book. It's a good story. That's why people love it and will go see the movie. There is SO much good of the story to choose from. The action sequences are so awesome, use them. Don't "come up with your own!!!"

Man, I literally "HATE" that! Yes, there may be bugetary limitations, but you 'pay' dearly for the stuff you put in, so here's a thought, "Stay True to the STORY!!!"

Ok - got that out of my system!


Thursday, November 01, 2007

Field Trip # 2

Today, I got to go with my youngest to another field trip to the Kids Discovery Museum. What a fun day. Kinda tiring, but fun! (You know how it is chasing kids around!!!)

Here, Natalie's painting my face. You should have seen the goatee she gave me before we moved to the next exhibit.

In the music exhibit my little one was a beautiful harpest.

My little girl attracting 'lighting' with her head! :)

My cute little cub in a stump.

They're against me!!! First off, I had to wear a 'pink' chaperone sticker, then one of the kids asked me to carry her purse, which was pink, and the teacher's assistant asked me to hold her bottle for a moment while she ran a little one to the restroom. Again - pink. Oy vai!!! :)

God & the Spider

Don't know if this story is true, but I really loved it when I read it in a recent e-mail! Hope it gives you an uplift for the day!

During World War II, a US marine was separated from his unit on a Pacific island. The fighting had been intense, and in the smoke and the crossfire he had lost touch with his comrades.

Alone in the jungle, he could hear enemy soldiers coming in his direction. Scrambling for cover, he found his way up a high ridge to several small caves in the rock. Quickly he crawled inside one of the caves. Although safe for the moment, he realized that once the enemy soldiers looking for him swept up the ridge, they would quickly search all the caves and he would be killed.

As he waited, he prayed, "Lord, if it be your will, please protect me. Whatever your will though, I love you and trust you. Amen."

After praying, he lay quietly listening to the enemy begin to draw close. He thought, "Well, I guess the Lord isn't going to help me out of this one." Then he saw a spider begin to build a web over the front of his cave.

As he watched, listening to the enemy searching for him all the while, the spider layered strand after strand of web across the opening of the cave.

"Hah, he thought. "What I need is a brick wall and what the Lord has sent me is a spider web. God does have a sense of humor."

As the enemy drew closer he watched from the darkness of his hideout and could see them searching one cave after another. As they came to his, he got ready to make his last stand. To his amazement, however, after glancing in the direction of his cave, they moved on. Suddenly, he realized that with the spider web over the entrance, his cave looked as if no one had entered for quite a while.

"Lord, forgive me," prayed the young man. "I had forgotten that in you a spider's web is stronger than a brick wall."

We all face times of great trouble. When we do, it is so easy to forget what God can work in our lives, sometimes in the most surprising ways. And remember with God, a mere spider's web becomes a brick wall of protection.

Dessert Personality Test

This really worked for me. Kinda strange! Take this test and see what your sweet-tooth tells ya about you! :)

Now don't cheat on this one, go with the first dessert you choose!!!
Trust me....this is very accurate. Pick your dessert, and then look
to see what psychiatrists think about you.

Here are your choices:

1. Angel Food Cake
2. Brownies
3. Lemon Meringue Pie
4. Vanilla Cake With Chocolate Icing
5. Strawberry Short Cake
6. Chocolate on Chocolate
7. Ice Cream
8. Carrot Cake

No!!!!! you can't change your mind once you scroll down, so
think carefully what your choice will be..............(Don't Cheat)

OK - Now that you've made your choice this is what the research says
about you...


1. ANGEL FOOD CAKE -- Sweet, loving, cuddly. You love all warm and fuzzy items. A little nutty at times. Sometimes you need an ice cream cone at the end of the day. Others perceive you as being childlike and immature at times.

2. BROWNIES -- You are adventurous, love new ideas, and are a champion of underdogs and a slayer of dragons. When tempers flare up you whip out your saber. You are always the oddball with a unique sense of humor and direction. You tend to be very loyal.

3. LEMON MERINGUE -- Smooth, sexy, & articulate with your hands, you are an excellent after-dinner speaker and a good teacher. But don't try to walk and chew gum at the same time. A bit of a diva at times, but you have many friends.

4. VANILLA CAKE WITH CHOCOLATE ICING -- Fun -loving, sassy, humorous, not very grounded in life; very indecisive and lack motivation. Everyone enjoys being around you, but you are a practical joker. Others should be cautious in making you mad. However, you are a friend for life.

5. STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE -- Romantic, warm, loving. You care about other people, can be counted on in a pinch and expect the same in return. Intuitively keen. Can be very emotional.

6. CHOCOLATE ON CHOCOLATE -- Sexy; always ready to give and receive. Very creative, adventurous, ambitious, and passionate. You can appear to have a cold exterior but are warm on the inside. Not afraid to take chances. Will not settle for anything average in life. Love to laugh.

7. ICE CREAM -- You like sports, whether it be baseball, foot ball, basketball, or soccer. If you could, you would like to participate, but you enjoy watching sports. You don't like to give up the remote control. You tend to be self-centered and high maintenance.

8. CARROT CAKE -- You are a very fun loving person, who likes to laugh. You are fun to be with. People like to hang out with you.You are a very warm hearted person and a little quirky at times. You have many loyal friends.

I picked Ice Cream and oddly enough - it was a pretty good match. (Not real thrilled about the last part of it though! GRIN)

Hope you enjoyed!

Now go get dessert!